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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Acceptance Statistics for Stanford?

I'm seriously considering Stanford, but it's clearly super competitive. Does anyone have recent info on their acceptance rate? I'm hoping to gauge my odds a bit better. Thanks!

4 months ago

Stanford University is indeed known for its selectivity and competitiveness. As of 2023, the acceptance rate for Stanford was around 4%, making it one of the most selective institutions in the world. This percentage represents the share of total applicants who were accepted, including both regular decision and early application cycles.

While daunting, this statistic should be interpreted with perspective. Remember that Stanford, like many other elite universities, has a large number of applicants each year, contributing to the lower acceptance rate. Even then, Stanford is looking at each individual application in its entirety, extending beyond statistics and including elements such as personal essays, recommendations, and extracurricular involvement.

Even though the acceptance rate is quite low, it should not discourage you from applying if Stanford is indeed your dream school. Your chances depend not just on your raw statistics but also on the strength of your overall application and how well you fit the profile of a Stanford student.

Given the nuances of the selection process, it's advisable to ensure you're also applying to a diverse range of schools, including match and safety schools, not just reach schools like Stanford. Remember, while acceptance rates and statistics can provide some perspective, they do not tell the complete story of a college's acceptance process.

Best of luck with your college applications!

4 months ago

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