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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to find old SAT scores?

Hey, quick question. My counselor wants my old SAT scores for a scholarship, but I can't find them. Any ideas on where to look or how to retrieve them?

7 months ago

You can retrieve your old SAT scores through the College Board's website where you initially received your scores. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Go to the College Board's website and log in to your account. This is the same account where you initially saw your SAT scores.

2. Navigate to "My SAT" section on your account dashboard.

3. You should see a list of your test dates and scores. If you took the SAT more than once, all your scores should be listed here.

A few caveats to note:

- Scores for the SAT exams you have taken within the past year are available in your account for free.

- For scores that are more than a year old, you may have to pay a fee to get them. This is typically the case for scores older than five years, although it can vary.

If for some reason you can't find your scores or have trouble accessing your account, you can also try contacting SAT Customer Support for assistance.

Remember, when you're sending scores to a third party, such as for a scholarship application, you will need to officially send these via College Board. They'll provide you with an official report which lends more credibility to the scores.

7 months ago

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