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Chicago State University acceptance rate?

Hey everyone, I am considering applying to Chicago State University. Does anyone have any idea about their acceptance rate? I just want to have a general understanding of its competitiveness. Thanks in advance!

4 months ago

Sure, I can help with that. For the past couple of years, Chicago State University has had an acceptance rate hovering around 47%. This suggests that they accept many of the students who apply, which signifies low competitiveness in their admissions process.

However, don't let this high acceptance rate make you complacent. It's still crucial to present a solid application with a good GPA and well-rounded extracurricular activities to increase your chances of admission. The average GPA of students admitted to Chicago State University is around a 2.8, so doing well academically is still important.

Remember to also complete their admissions requirements thoroughly, which typically includes an application fee, official high school transcripts, and possibly letters of recommendation depending on the specific program you're applying to. Research their specific criteria and deadlines to ensure your application is complete and competitive.

4 months ago

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