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Acting on the ACT

Hello everyone, I'm looking forward to taking the ACT for the first time and I'm not quite sure how to register. Is there an online portal where I can do this? Any detailed steps or tips you guys can provide will be super helpful. Thanks!

7 months ago

Yes, there surely is. You can register for the ACT online. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1. You need to set up an account on the ACT official website. Click on the "Register/Sign in" button and follow the instructions to create a new account if you don't already have one.

2. Once you're logged in, click on "Register for the ACT." This will start the registration process.

3. You'll be asked to fill out personal information. This includes your high school course details, your intended college major, and some other details about your post-high school plans.

4. The next step is to choose a test date. Make sure you pick something that works well with your schedule, keeping in mind that you'll need to leave yourself time for potentially retaking the test if necessary.

5. After this, you'll pick a test location. The website will guide you to available test centers according to your zip code.

6. Now comes the decision of whether to take the ACT Plus Writing or just the ACT (without the essay). This might depend on the requirements of the colleges you are applying to, but not all require the ACT essay.

7. You'll then proceed to pay the registration fee. It's usually around $55 for the ACT (without writing) and $70 for ACT Plus Writing — these are subject to change, so make sure to check the current ACT fees on the official site.

8. Finally, you need to upload a photo, as per the picture guidelines present on their website.

Note: The registration normally closes around a month before the test date, but there is also an option for late registration with an extra fee. Be sure to double-check all your information. An error in your information could prevent your scores from being sent to the colleges you choose.

Remember to be consistent with the information you provide (especially your name) since it needs to match your ID on the test day.

These points should guide you through your ACT registration. Good luck with your test!

7 months ago

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