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What's a Good SAT Score for the University of Florida?

Hey guys! I've been looking into UF and I've found mixed info about what a good SAT score for them would be. Can any current students or recent applicants give me a better idea of what SAT score range they typically look for? Thanks in advance!

4 months ago

As a direct reply to your question, the SAT score you aim for to be competitive at the University of Florida (UF) should ideally be within or above the middle 50% range for recently admitted students. For instance, based on the most recent data, UF's middle 50% SAT range runs from 1320 to 1470. These numbers represent the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile of accepted students' scores, so about half of UF's admitted students score within this range.

Given these statistics, aiming for an SAT score of 1470 or above would make you a strong applicant in terms of standardized testing. This indicates that you're scoring higher than 75% of admitted students, which is very solid. However, remember that UF, like many universities, uses a holistic review process that takes into account other factors besides just your SAT score. Your academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and your written materials (like your essays and potential letters of recommendation) also play a significant role in your admission decision.

If you're interested in a particular major or program at UF, you may want to research further to find more specific data or forums discussing related scores and admission requirements for that program. Always remember though that no score guarantees admission, nor does a lower score necessarily rule it out. Each application is unique and offers its contributions to the diversity the school is seeking in its student body. Good luck with your prep and application process!

4 months ago

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