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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Does anyone know if you can superscore the SAT?

Hiya, I've heard the term 'superscoring' being thrown around in relation to the SAT but I'm not really sure what it means. Can anyone explain if and how you can superscore your SAT results?

4 months ago

Absolutely, I can explain what superscoring means. Superscoring, in the context of the SAT, is when a college takes the highest score from each section across multiple SAT test attempts and combines them to form a 'super' score. For instance, if you took the SAT twice and got higher in Math in your first attempt and better in Reading and Writing in your second, a superscoring college would take the highest Math score from your first attempt and the highest Reading and Writing score from your second attempt to create your superscore.

However, not all colleges superscore the SAT. Each institution has its own policy when it comes to considering your SAT scores. Some will superscore, while others will consider only your highest overall score from a single test date. A few others might look at all your scores. It's crucial to check the specific policy of the schools you're applying to, which you can typically find on their admissions webpage.

Always remember that while a high SAT superscore can strengthen your application, it’s just one part of the entire review process. Your coursework, grades, essays, extracurricular activities, recommendations, and interviews all contribute to your overall application.

4 months ago

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