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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to apply to UNLV

Hi there, I am considering applying to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Can anyone guide me on their application process or any specifics I need to pay heed to while applying?

4 months ago

Of course, the process of applying to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) is essentially a multi-step process that involves meeting several requirements and providing the necessary documentation. Here's a brief overview:

1. Choose the correct application: UNLV uses the Common App for both domestic and international students. Make sure you're using the right application for your circumstances (first-year, transfer, international, etc.).

2. High school transcripts: You need to send in all your official high school transcripts. The minimum cumulative weighted GPA requirement for first-year students is 3.0.

3. Test scores: UNLV does not require test scores for admission but are encouraged for UNLV course placement. If you've taken either the SAT or ACT multiple times, the university will consider your highest individual composite, as well as subsection scores across multiple sittings. Ensure that your scores are sent directly from the testing agencies. As of the 2024-2025 application cycle, the ACT code for UNLV is 2496, while the SAT code is 4861.

4. Letters of recommendation and essays: UNLV doesn't require letters of recommendation or personal essays for general admission. However, remember that specific programs may have their own requirements, so ensure you carefully confirm those.

5. Application fee: The application fee is $60 (non-refundable).

6. Submit your application: Once you have completed your application on the Common App and paid the application fee, you can submit your application.

Finally, deadlines are another crucial factor you must stay aware of. The priority deadline for Fall admission is November 15th, while the regular decision deadline is July 1st. Please refer to the UNLV admissions website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Again, remember that for some specific programs (like Nursing or Honors), there may be additional requirements - you should check directly with those departments or on their webpages on the UNLV site to confirm these requirements. Good luck!

4 months ago

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