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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Zero Application Fee Schools by State

So I'm looking for schools with no application fee specifically in my state. It's hard to find comprehensive lists sorted by state though. Anyone know where I can find that?

7 months ago

That's a great question, and it's smart to look around for schools with no application fee to maximize your options without stretching your budget. While online research can get you a pretty comprehensive list, I'll suggest a trick to find schools with no application fee in your state using College Navigator.

1. Open the College Navigator website, which is run by the National Center for Education Statistics.

2. Use the "Browse For Programs" option on the left side and select your state.

3. In the "Tuition, fees, and estimated student expenses" section, set your maximum application fee to 0.

This will give you a list of colleges in your state that have no application fee. Do note, however, that while the majority of this information is accurate, there might be a few discrepancies as colleges may change their policies over time. You should definitely check the application details on each college's website to ensure the info is up-to-date. Happy hunting for no-fee colleges!

7 months ago

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