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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Liberal arts colleges with an atmosphere like Colgate?

I’m really into the close-knit and community-focused atmosphere of Colgate University. Are there other liberal arts colleges that offer a similar setting and rigorous academics?

a year ago

Absolutely! If you're drawn to the sense of community and academic rigor found at Colgate, you might want to check out schools like Middlebury College in Vermont and Bowdoin College in Maine. Both promote a strong sense of community and boast rigorous academic programs similar to Colgate.

Middlebury is known for its excellence in environmental studies and international programs, while Bowdoin offers a particularly strong liberal arts curriculum with a notable history department, among others. Also, consider looking at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania; it's not a traditional liberal arts college, but it offers a liberal arts education with a community vibe similar to Colgate. Take the time to visit if you can, or engage in virtual tours and sessions to get a feel for the campus culture. Best wishes on your college search!

a year ago

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