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Harvard Recommendation Letters Importance?

Hello everyone, I have a question regarding college admissions, Harvard, in particular. How important are recommendation letters when it comes to Harvard's application?

6 months ago

Harvard, like many highly selective schools, takes letters of recommendation seriously because they provide a more qualitative and holistic view of the applicant. It allows the admissions committee to understand your character, strengths, and potential from another perspective. Harvard requires two letters from teachers and one letter from your school counselor.

Your teachers can illustrate your intellectual curiosity, how you've grown academically, and how you contribute to the classroom dynamic, while your school counselor can shed light on your personal growth, resilience, and your place within the school community at large.

It's advisable to have your recommendation letters written by individuals who know you well and can speak extensively about your unique qualities and achievements. For example, a teacher who has watched you overcome a challenging subject or project may provide great insight.

Just remember, while important, recommendation letters are only one part of the whole application; your academic achievements, test scores, essays, and involvement in extracurricular activities are all important factors in Harvard's holistic review process.

6 months ago

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