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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Typical ACT Results Timeline?

Hey guys, a bit stressed out here. I took the ACT recently, totally freaking out about the scores. Can anyone tell me how long I will have to brace myself before the scores are released?

6 months ago

Hey there! The wait can certainly be nerve-wracking, but generally speaking, ACT scores start to become available online around 10 business days after you've taken the exam. That's typically about two weeks. Keep in mind, though, this is just an estimate and sometimes it can take a bit longer, especially during high-volume testing periods.

Don't worry too much! You've done all the hard work; now it's just a matter of waiting. Remember, even if you don't get the score you're hoping for, it doesn't define your capabilities, and you have several retake options. Having a clear head for your next steps (if necessary) can make this process much smoother. Good luck!

6 months ago

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