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Ideal Length for a College Application Essay

Hey guys, I'm working on my college apps and I'm kinda stuck on the essays. I don't want to go overboard or make it too short. What's the suggested length for a college application essay?

6 months ago

Most college application essays fall between 200-650 words in length. If the application specifies a word limit, you definitely want to adhere to that and avoid writing significantly less or more. As a rule of thumb, you should aim to fill around 90% of the allotted length. If a prompt has a maximum of 650 words, a good target would be around 580-620 words.

Remember that it's not just about hitting a word count—it's about being concise and thoughtful in your storytelling. Brevity can often be a greater challenge than expansion. Every sentence and idea in your essay should serve a purpose and contribute meaningfully to your overall narrative.

For instance, an essay about a significant event in your life should not only describe what happened, but more importantly, reflect on its impact and what it taught you about yourself. In this way, admissions officers can gain a better understanding of your personality, values, and growth.

Do keep in mind that these are general guidelines and the actual demands may vary depending on the specific prompt and the college policy. When in doubt, it's always a good idea to review the specific requirements and tips provided by the college you're applying to.

6 months ago

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