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Perfect SAT Scores

Hello all, a little stressed out here. With my SATs coming up, I've been wondering, how many people globally manage to get a perfect score? Not that I'm aiming for a perfect score, but it'd help to know the competition. Thanks in advance!

6 months ago

Hello! Totally understand where you're coming from! While I understand it can feel beneficial to know the statistics, remember, the goal is not to compete with others but to always aim for personal improvement.

To answer your question: The College Board, which administers the SAT, does not release specific numbers about how many students score a perfect 1600 each year. However, they do share information on score percentages. According to the College Board's data from 2021, which includes all test-takers — not just high school seniors — only about 7% scored 1400 or higher. The percentage of students who score a perfect 1600 is significantly smaller.

Honestly, try not to stress too much about aiming for a perfect score. Yes, a high SAT score can be an asset when applying to colleges, but keep in mind that most colleges don't expect perfect scores and consider many other factors as part of their holistic admissions process such as your grades, extracurricular activities, and essays. It is more important to showcase your strengths and passions that make you a unique candidate.

Best of luck on your test! You've got this!

6 months ago

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