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Sending Standardized Test Scores to Colleges: Need Guidance

I just received my standardized test scores (ACT and SAT) and I need to send them to my prospective colleges. I'm a bit lost on the procedure, though. Does anyone have experience with this and could fill me in?

6 months ago

Certainly, I'm happy to help guide you through this process. The process of sending standardized test scores to colleges is usually done via the testing agencies.

If you're sending your SAT scores, you'll need to log into your account on the College Board website. From your account dashboard, there should be a link to "Send Scores". You can then select the colleges you want to send your scores to. There will be a fee for each score report sent, unless you're sending them to colleges within the College Board’s free score report window (you have the opportunity to send up to four free score reports within 10 days from when you take the SAT).

For the ACT, you'll need to log into your ACT account, and similarly, you'll find a link to send your scores on the dashboard. From there, you'll be able to select the colleges you want to send your scores to and pay the required fee.

Keep in mind that some colleges allow for self-reported test scores on the application itself. In this situation, you'd just fill in your best scores on the application. If you are admitted and decide to attend, you would then send the official score report.

Also, remember to check each of your prospective colleges' testing policies. Some schools are test-optional, meaning you don't have to submit test scores unless you choose to. And make sure to send your scores well in advance of the application deadline to ensure they arrive on time.

6 months ago

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