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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Wondering about University of Alabama GPA Standards

Hey guys, I could use your advice. I'm interested in applying to the University of Alabama. Can someone tell me what are the GPA expectations? Do they look at weighted or unweighted GPAs?

8 months ago

The University of Alabama, like most universities, reviews applicants holistically, meaning they consider your GPA as part of your overall student profile rather than in isolation. However, GPA is still a crucial component of your application.

According to the freshman profile data for the University of Alabama, the average high school GPA of admitted students is typically around 3.77. It's good to be within this range or above it to be competitive, though students with lower GPAs are also admitted, particularly if other aspects of their application are strong.

Regarding whether the University of Alabama considers weighted or unweighted GPAs, they actually look at both. The university reviews your weighted GPA to gain insight into the rigor of the courses you took in high school (Honors, AP, IB, etc.), as challenging classes often carry extra weight in GPA calculations. They also look at the unweighted GPA to get a sense of your academic performance across all classes, regardless of their rigor.

In summary, aim for a GPA of around 3.77 or above and challenge yourself acadically by taking rigorous courses where possible.

8 months ago

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