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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Question about University of Texas requirements

Quick question, folks - I'm putting together my application for UT and wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything. What are the exact requirements needed for applying to UT?

6 months ago

When applying to the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin), here are the steps and requirements you need to be aware of:

1. Application: UT Austin only accepts the ApplyTexas or Coalition for College application, so you'll need to pick one of those platforms. Be sure to detail out all of your achievements, activities, etc. on these platforms.

2. Short Answer Questions and Essays: The application includes three short answer questions and one long essay. Make sure you answer these honestly and strategically, focusing on unique, personal experiences.

3. Official High School Transcript: You’ll need to get your official transcript sent from your school. It will need to include your class rank, if your school ranks. If your school doesn't rank, you'll need a school profile that explains the school’s grading scale, rank-in-class policy, and college admissions criteria.

4. Senior Year Course Schedule: A list of the courses you’re taking in your senior year.

5. Application Fee or Fee Waiver: There’s an application fee, but you may be eligible for a waiver if you meet certain criteria.

6. Test Scores: Beginning the 2024-2025 application cycle, UT Austin is requiring all applicants to submit an SAT or ACT score.

Remember, each part of your application presents an opportunity to showcase your strengths and fit with UT Austin. Be sure to highlight your passion for your field of interest and how UT Austin can help you achieve your goals.

6 months ago

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