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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Letter of Recommendation From a Fellow Student?

Is it possible to get a letter of recommendation from a fellow student for college applications? Like from a project partner or a club I’ve led? I think they could provide a perspective teachers can’t. Has anyone done it?

6 months ago

If your college application requires letters of recommendation, keep in mind that they are typically expected to come from teachers, counselors, or other adults who hold official roles within your academic life or extracurricular activities. These individuals can provide a mature and experienced perspective on your abilities and character, which is often highly valued in the admissions process.

That being said, while some colleges may allow you to include extra letters of recommendation from peers, they are not usually given the same weight as those from a teacher or counselor. It's important to research a school's specific guidelines on letters of recommendation to make sure you're adhering to their policies.

If a college does allow additional letters, a peer's perspective could add a unique layer to your application. However, be careful to not let it overshadow the more traditional letters. This is because the recommendations from your teachers or counselors will likely carry more credibility since they are evaluations from experienced educators.

A supplemental recommendation from a peer can be valuable if that person has experienced firsthand your leadership, teamwork, commitment, or any qualities you want to emphasize in your application. It's important, however, for your peer to be able to write in a mature and structured manner. As this isn't a common practice, always double-check each college's specific guidelines before you submit a peer recommendation.

Remember, your teachers and counselors can discuss your intellectual curiosity, academic potential, and how you engage in class discussions in ways that your peers may not be able to. So, while a peer can provide a different perspective, it should complement, instead of replacing, letters from adults in academic or professional roles.

6 months ago

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