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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Chance Me for Colorado Mesa Acceptance

I'm a bit stressed, y'all. I'm eyeing Colorado Mesa University but not sure if I have a solid shot. Can someone enlighten me a bit about their admission rate and what sort of student profile they're usually looking for?

6 months ago

No need to stress! Colorado Mesa University is a relatively accessible institution with an acceptance rate often exceeding 80%. While it's important to remember that admissions decisions are based on several factors, Colorado Mesa is typically inclusive and aims to provide opportunities for various types of students.

That being said, it's always a plus to have strong academic credentials. The mid 50% range for SAT scores of incoming students at Colorado Mesa is roughly 930-1180. On the ACT, the mid 50% range is about 18-25. However, students outside of these score ranges also gain admission every year.

On the GPA front, the average high school GPA for Colorado Mesa students hovers around 3.16 on a 4.0 scale. Keep in mind, this is an average; many students with GPAs both above and below this number are admitted each year.

Outside of academics, Colorado Mesa, like many universities, is interested in students who have been involved outside of the classroom. Engaging in extracurricular activities can show your ability to manage time, lead others, and contribute to your community. But, as per the norm, it's better to delve really deep into a few activities and demonstrate genuine interest and leadership, rather than superficial involvement in lots of clubs.

In summary, you have a fair shot as long as you possess a respectable academic record and some evidence of extracurricular activity. However, it all boils down to portraying your strengths and commitment in your application to help the admissions staff discern what you can bring to their campus. If you want to put in your information for a more specific view, check out CollegeVine's free chancing engine. Good luck!

6 months ago

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