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Process of retrieving SAT scores from former years

Hey y'all, I took the SAT a couple years back, and I now need to retrieve those scores for some applications. Does anyone know the process for getting SAT scores from past years? Appreciate any help on this.

7 months ago

Hello! Based on what you've shared, you'll need to go to the College Board's website to access your past SAT scores. Here's the process:

1. Log into your account: If you took the SAT, you should already have a College Board account. Use the same login information you used when you registered for the test.

2. Click on your score report: Once you're logged in, you should see a summary of your SAT scores. Click on that section for detailed reports.

3. Find your past scores: From there, find the history or archive section to see your older score reports. The interface might show your most recent score first, so you may need to scroll or click through to find earlier ones.

4. Send them to colleges: If you're applying to colleges and need to submit your scores, you can do it straight from the College Board's website. There's a small fee, unless you're sending them to one of the colleges included in your original four free reports, or if you're eligible for a fee waiver.

Keep in mind that some colleges now allow applicants to self-report scores, and only submit an official score report if they're accepted and ultimately attend. Check with the specific schools you're applying to see what their policies are, as self-reporting can save you the submission fee.

Additionally, College Board can take one to two weeks to send your scores to your colleges. Ensure to plan ahead and request your scores with enough time to meet your application deadlines.

Hope this overview helps. Good luck with your applications!

7 months ago

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