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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is proof of scholarly achievement at UCLA?

Hey guys, I stumbled upon the term 'prepscholar' in relation to UCLA and I'm a bit puzzled. Could anyone explain what this term means? Is it a particular requirement, program, or representation of high scholastic achievement? Any info would be useful. Thank you!

4 months ago

Hello! It seems like there might be a bit of confusion here. The term 'prepscholar' is not specific to UCLA or any other college. It often refers to an online educational platform that aids students with test prep. However, you may be interested in a different but crucial term at UCLA called Regents Scholarship, which is the highest honor awarded to entering freshmen.

If you're aiming for scholarly achievement at UCLA, you might want to consider pursuing honors programs or similar opportunities. UCLA offers a wide range of honors programs, such as the College Honors program or departmental honors programs, which allow students to delve deeper into a particular academic area and engage in research or advanced coursework.

Now, if you're still in high school and looking to stand out in your application to UCLA, focus on maintaining a strong academic record, engaging deeply in a few extracurricular activities, and writing compelling essays. These elements will help demonstrate your scholarliness and potential contributions to the university.

4 months ago

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