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SAT: 720 math
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How Important is SAT for UConn Admission?

Hey everyone. I'm a junior starting to prep for college applications and thinking of applying to the University of Connecticut. How critical is SAT performance to UConn admissions? I know they are test-optional currently due to COVID-19, but does anyone know if they really care about the SAT if you do decide to send your score?

4 months ago

Although the University of Connecticut (UConn) has a test-optional policy for the 2024-2025 application cycle, an SAT score can still be an important part of the application for students who choose to submit it. It's not a make-or-break factor, but a solid SAT score can provide a data point that helps illustrate your academic abilities, especially if your score is strong relative to UConn's middle 50% SAT range.

However, remember that it’s all about context. If your SAT score is in line with or better than UConn's averages, then it's generally beneficial to include it with your application. On the other hand, if your SAT score isn't as strong but you have other stand-out aspects in your application such as strong grades, robust extracurricular involvement, or a compelling personal essay, you might decide not to submit your SAT score. UConn will then focus on other aspects of your academic profile, like your grades and the rigors of your course load.

Keep in mind, admissions officers evaluate applications holistically, so while SAT scores are a factor when submitted, there are many additional elements—such as GPA, course rigor, extracurricular involvement, essays, and letters of recommendation—that contribute to the decision-making process.

Ultimately, the decision to submit your SAT score to UConn is yours—you should weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks based on your specific situation and application profile. Good luck with your college applications!

4 months ago

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