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University of Pittsburgh's SAT requirement?

Really stressing out over this—I'm hoping to apply to the University of Pittsburgh and I just got my SAT score back. Can anyone tell me what their SAT score requirement is? Or is it more a 'the higher the better' sort of situation?

4 months ago

As of the 2024-2025 application cycle, the University of Pittsburgh is test-optional, meaning they do not require applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, if you choose to submit a score, it can potentially bolster your application, especially if it’s in line with or above the average score of admitted students.

In the past, the middle 50% SAT score range for admitted students has been around 1300-1450. If your SAT score falls within this range, your score is competitive for Pitt. If it's below this range, your application can still be strong with factors such as GPA, course rigor, extracurriculars, letters of recommendation, and essays.

For more specific details on middle 50% ranges for each of the Pitt's constituent schools, check out their site here: https://admissions.pitt.edu/first-year-student/class-profile/

Keep in mind that "the higher the better" is typically applicable for most universities (including Pitt), but it isn't the sole determining factor in admission decisions. They will take a comprehensive look at your application. Your essays, recommendation letters, grade trends, and extracurriculars also matter a lot.

And remember, if your SAT score isn't where you'd like it to be, you can opt not to include it in your application due to Pitt's test-optional policy. This allows you to showcase your strengths in other areas.

4 months ago

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