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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's so great about Penn State?

So, my school counselor keeps pushing me towards considering Penn State. Honestly, I'm not very familiar with what sets this university apart from others. What makes it unique, and why should it be on my potential colleges list? Could someone shed some light on this?

4 months ago

Pennsylvania State University, often referred to as Penn State, is a public research university that is well-known for its strong academic programs, dynamic campus life, and impressive alumni network. Here are a few reasons it is highly recommended:

1. Diverse Academic Offerings: Penn State offers over 160 majors, providing a wide range of academic programs to choose from. It's particularly renowned for its Engineering, Business, and Hospitality Management programs.

2. Research Opportunities: As a leading research university, Penn State takes pride in its commitment to provide undergraduate students with numerous research opportunities. This allows students to delve deeper into their fields of study and gain hands-on experience.

3. Campus Life: The university is also known for its vibrant campus life. There are over 1,000 student organizations and clubs that cater to various interests. This not only enriches the student experience but also allows for networking and developing leadership skills.

4. Athletics: Penn State is part of the Big Ten Conference and has a strong athletic program. It's particularly known for its football team, and students often get together to show their school spirit at games, contributing to a strong sense of community.

5. Alumni Network: Penn State boasts one of the largest alumni networks in the nation. This can be advantageous when it comes to seeking job opportunities and making connections in various fields after graduation.

By considering Penn State, you're potentially investing in a comprehensive educational experience. It's not just about the degree, but also the opportunities, community, and network that come along with it.

4 months ago

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