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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does UCF consider GPA from international students?

Hello everyone! I'm an English student planning to apply to the University of Central Florida. I'm trying to figure out what GPA UCF requires from international students, and specifically how they convert and evaluate GPAs from a different grading system. Does anyone have experience with this or know where I can find more info?

a year ago

Hi there! I'm happy to shed some light on this for you. When dealing with international students, universities like UCF will often use a credential evaluation service to understand what your grades mean in the context of the American education system. They understand that grading systems vary widely around the world, and will take into account the rigor and grading policies of your particular educational system.

It's quite common for universities to accept evaluations from services like WES (World Education Services) or ECE (Educational Credential Evaluators), which convert educational credentials into their U.S. equivalents. This helps the admissions committee gauge where you stand academically compared to American applicants. I would recommend reaching out directly to the UCF International Admissions office to ask if they have preferred evaluation providers or if they do the conversion internally.

Also, be sure to provide as much context as possible about your school and its curriculum. If your school has a profile that outlines the grading scale, the types of courses offered, and the rigor of the academic program, make sure to submit that with your application to give the admissions committee a full picture of your academic accomplishments. Good luck with your application to UCF!

a year ago

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