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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How high does my GPA need to be to secure financial aid?

I'm a tad stressed about keeping my GPA up for financial aid purposes. Does anyone know what GPA I’d need to maintain to ensure I don't lose my FAFSA loans? Also, is this different for private scholarships or does it generally stay around the same benchmark?

a year ago

Understanding financial aid requirements can indeed be stressful, but I'm glad you're looking ahead to prepare. Federal student loans, which you access through filling out the FAFSA, don't typically have a minimum GPA requirement to maintain eligibility, as those loans are calculated based solely on your family's financial need. However, to continue receiving federal student aid, you do need to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Each school has its own standards for SAP, but generally, you'd need to maintain around a 2.0 GPA, and progress toward your degree at a pace that will see you graduate within a certain time frame.

For private scholarships, the GPA requirement can vary significantly, since they set their own criteria. Some may require a higher GPA to maintain the award, often around a 3.0 or above. Be sure to check the specific conditions of each scholarship you receive. And if you're ever confused abut something, it's best to contact your school's financial aid office directly, as they will have the most detailed and accurate information regarding your situation.

a year ago

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