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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What schools are like Cal Poly SLO in terms of Learn by Doing and STEM strength?

What's up, folks? I'm all about that 'Learn by Doing' philosophy at Cal Poly SLO, and its strength in STEM. Do any of you know schools with a similar hands-on approach to learning, especially in the STEM fields?

a year ago

Hi there! If you're looking for colleges with a similar philosophy to Cal Poly SLO, consider schools like Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Both institutions lay a strong emphasis on experiential learning, encouraging students to engage in practical experiences alongside their academic studies.

Another great option is Olin College of Engineering, which is known for its project-based curriculum and places a heavy focus on engineering and related fields. Additionally, Northeastern University, while not as focused on STEM as these other schools, encourages all students to get real-world experience in their area of study, through "co-op" programs with companies, non-profits, and so on. Similarly, Dartmouth College requires students to take a term off during the academic year at some point, which can be a great opportunity to do research or otherwise engage with your interests in a more tangible way.

Finally, schools like MIT and Georgia Tech, while more traditional in their educational approach, still offer plenty of opportunities for hands-on experiences through labs, research projects, and collaboration with industry partners.

It's always beneficial to check out the specific programs at each university you're researching, as many of them will have their own opportunities for practical learning that might end up being a great match for what you're looking for, even if the overall culture of the school may not be as dedicated to this method as Cal Poly SLO. Best of luck in finding the right fit for you!

a year ago

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