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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can anyone describe what an official transcript looks like?

Hey all, I need to send my official transcript as part of my college applications, but I'm not super clear on what it should look like. Could anyone describe what it typically includes, and how it differs from an unofficial one?

6 months ago

An official transcript is a comprehensive record of a student's academic performance, including courses taken, grades received, credits earned, and any honors or degrees awarded. Every school's transcript looks somewhat different, but typically, you'll find the following details on an official transcript:

- Your full name and student ID number

- The school's name and contact information

- The dates of attendance

- A list of all the courses you have taken, including the course title and code

- The number of credits for each course

- Grade or score received for each course

- A grade point average (GPA), either cumulative or per term, depending on the school's system

Official transcripts will also often include any disciplinary actions taken against the student, as well as indications of academic probation or suspension, where applicable.

Now, how does this differ from an unofficial transcript? In short, an unofficial transcript contains the same academic information as an official transcript, but it's often a simple printout or online document. It lacks the official school seal, signature of the registrar, or date of issue that an official transcript would have.

It's important to remember that colleges, universities, and scholarship foundations usually request official transcripts when you're applying, because these have been officially released by your institute, guaranteeing their authenticity and accuracy. You should request this document from your school's registrar office and there may be a small fee associated with issuing it.

In practical terms, many schools send official transcripts directly to colleges and universities in a classic sealed envelope, something that signifies the transcript hasn't been tampered with by the student. Some schools also deliver electronic official transcripts via secure systems. But, a transcript handed to the student to submit themselves may still be considered official as long as it remains in its original, sealed envelope. Be sure to check with your own college or university to understand how they handle such requests.

6 months ago

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