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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Strategic advice for selecting an Early Decision school?

Could use some help, everyone. I'm trying to figure out how to choose the right school for Early Decision. Should I only go for my absolute dream school, or should I also consider how likely I am to get in?

a year ago

It's a good strategy to approach Early Decision (ED) as a balance between aspiration and practicality. While it makes sense to shoot for your dream school, you have to be realistic about your chances. Get an idea about the strength of your profile by comparing it with the admitted students' data of past years—if you're within or above those ranges, it could be a match.

Remember that ED can increase your chances slightly because schools appreciate the binding commitment. However, if your odds are already pretty low, it may not make much of a difference. Additionally, consider factors like financial aid; with ED, you can't compare aid packages from multiple schools, so ensure that the school's standard aid policy works for you.

Lastly, don't underestimate the 'fit' factor—make sure the school matches your academic, social, and professional goals, since ED is a binding agreement and you'll spend a significant part of your life at the college you attend.

a year ago

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