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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Registration for College Board SAT?

Yo, I'm ready to take the plunge and register for my SATs, but feeling a bit lost about the whole process on the College Board website. Can someone guide me on how to sign up for SATs on the platform?

7 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help guide you through the SAT registration on the College Board website.

1. First, you will need to create an account on the College Board website, which is where all your test registration and scores will be managed.

2. Once you've signed up and logged in your account, you should spot a menu at the top of your account dashboard that spells "SAT". Click on it to proceed with the registration process.

3. Now, select the "Register for the SAT" option available on the dropdown menu. In turn, you will be directed to a page where you can know about upcoming test dates and deadlines.

4. Here, pick "Register" beside the date you intend to take your test. Your selection will lead you to the registration form.

5. You need to fill out the registration form with accurate details - your name, address, date of birth, high school details, and so on.

6. Subsequently, you'll have to select your test date and test center.

7. Lastly, add a photo, which must meet their photo requirements, as part of your registration.

8. Review the details you've filled in, agree to the terms and conditions, then proceed to payment. Once your payment is processed, your registration is complete.

9. Then, you'll see a confirmation page, which you'll save for future reference. You're done! You will also receive an email confirming your registration.

I hope this eases your process a bit. If you encounter any hurdles, you can always reach out to the College Board's customer service for further assistance!

7 months ago

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