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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Timeline for hearing back from colleges after applying Early Decision?

Feeling a bit stressed here, but when do schools typically let you know their decisions if you applied Early Decision? Is there a standard date, or does it vary by college?

a year ago

It's completely understandable to feel stressed during this waiting period, but I can help clarify things for you. The timeline for hearing back about Early Decision (ED) applications does indeed vary by college, but generally, you can expect a response by mid-December. Some schools may have specific dates when they release their ED decisions—these are often available on their admissions websites or materials.

For example, if you've applied to an Ivy League school, decisions are typically released mid-December, around the same time each year. On the other hand, non-Ivy institutions might have slightly different dates, but these usually fall within a similar timeframe. It's best to check the website of each institution you've applied to for the most accurate information.

Remember, ED is binding, so you'll need to withdraw other applications if admitted. While you wait, keep yourself occupied with school work and activities you enjoy. This can ease the tension and help the time pass. And, of course, keep an eye on your email and the application portal for any updates. If you haven't heard back after the expected decision release date, don't hesitate to reach out to the admissions office for an update. It's a tough wait, but you're almost there. Good luck!

a year ago

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