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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's a strong GPA for applicants to the University of Minnesota?

Hi all, I'm working my way through the whole college admission process and looking into the University of Minnesota. It'd be awesome to know what GPA range they usually expect from incoming freshmen. Any insight or personal experience would be awesome!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're proactively seeking information about college admission criteria. For the University of Minnesota, like many large public universities, a competitive GPA would be in the range of 3.5 to 4.0. However, remember that the U of M looks at weighted GPAs as well, so AP, IB, and honors courses can bolster your application if you're doing well in them. A strong academic schedule with challenging courses can help mitigate a slightly lower GPA. Moreover, GPA expectations can also vary depending on the specific college within the university you're applying to—some programs might be more selective.

For instance, the U of M's College of Science and Engineering typically sees higher average GPAs among admitted students compared to other programs. It can be helpful to review the middle 50% GPA range for admitted students, which provides a more accurate picture of what they're looking for. Keep striving for good grades, but also focus on maintaining a challenging course load!

a year ago

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