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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Morehouse College GPA Requirements

Guys, I have Morehouse on my list of prospective colleges. What GPA should I aim for to get into Morehouse? Any general advice about their admission standards will be very helpful.

4 months ago

From my understanding, you would typically need a GPA in the range of 3.5 to 3.7 to align yourself with Morehouse's accepted students. However, take note that GPA is not the only factor Morehouse looks at, and having a GPA in this range is not a guarantee of acceptance.

In addition to your GPA, Morehouse College puts substantial weight on your character, leadership, and service to the community. These are key elements of their mission, so they're looking for students who have demonstrated these traits. Your extracurriculars and personal statements will be key places to highlight these aspects. They are also interested in the range and rigor of the courses you have taken in high school, so it can be beneficial to challenge yourself with AP or Honors courses if such options are available at your high school.

If SAT and ACT scores are relevant to your application, keep in mind the test score ranges of admitted Morehouse students. Most successful Morehouse applicants have SAT scores between 950 and 1160 or ACT scores between 18 and 24. Remember, however, that these are averages. Applicants can be admitted with scores lower or higher than these ranges.

Furthermore, recommendation letters are an important piece of the Morehouse application. They are interested in hearing from teachers, mentors, or employers about your character, work ethic, and potential for leadership.

Remember, each application is reviewed holistically, so a wide range of factors, including your academic performance, leadership involvement, and personal character, will all be considered. Be sure to highlight your strengths across multiple areas in your application. Use your essays and activities section to showcase all you have to offer!

4 months ago

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