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Khan Academy and ACT prep

Hello, I'm a junior prepping for the ACT. Has anyone used Khan Academy for this before? Do they even have an ACT prep course? Want to get used to the format and questions before I take the real thing.

6 months ago

While Khan Academy is a very useful resource for practicing many academic concepts, it's important to note that it does not specifically offer an ACT prep course. That said, you can still utilize Khan Academy to bolster your knowledge in the ACT sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science.

For instance, in the English section, you could practice grammar rules, punctuation, sentence structure, and effective language usage—topics that Khan Academy covers comprehensively.

In the Math section, Khan Academy has interactive exercises ranging from pre-algebra to trigonometry—topics appearing in the ACT Math section.

Reading comprehension is crucial for the ACT Reading section, and Khan Academy can strengthen these skills with passages and exercises on their site.

Science section isn't really about science knowledge, but more about interpreting data and understanding experiments. These skills aren't specifically covered by Khan Academy, but developing your grasp of scientific concepts can indirectly help you here.

Additionally, you might consider using other resources for ACT-specific preparation. The ACT organization provides free study materials, including an official ACT Prep Guide, practice tests, and a free test prep app, ACT Academy.

Other popular ACT prep resources include PrepScholar, Magoosh, The Princeton Review, and of course CollegeVine which offers a comprehensive guide to studying for the ACT.

Remember, the key for any test preparation is consistency and practice. Practice tests are particularly useful so you can familiarize yourself with the ACT's format and timing. Good luck with your preparation!

6 months ago

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