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What makes an applicant stand out to Yale admissions?

Hey folks, junior here stressing a tad about the whole college admissions thing. Trying to aim high and Yale’s of course on the list. What’s the deets on what makes a student profile pop for Yale? Are we talking stratospheric test scores, or can killer essays and ECs tip the scales too?

a year ago

Hey there, junior! Understandably, it's a pretty stressful time, but kudos to you for aiming high and considering Yale! You're spot on that remarkable test scores are noticed, but Yale truly looks for a well-rounded and compelling student profile. What really makes an applicant stand out are the personal touches and depth in their application, such as strong, reflective essays that offer a window into who they are beyond numbers and a genuine commitment to extracurricular activities (ECs).

Yale is undoubtedly on the lookout for intellectual curiosity and a strong desire to contribute to their community. The way you express your passions, impact, and individuality within your application can indeed tip the scales in your favor. For example, if you've been deeply committed to an EC, and it has tangibly shaped who you are or made a significant impact on your community, that's golden.

Furthermore, Yale values diversity in all forms, not just demographically, but also in thought, interests, and experiences. So, when writing your essays, think introspectively about the narrative you want to convey about your unique background and aspirations. This personal narrative can help you stand out just as much as, if not more than, your numerical qualifications.

Just remember to stay authentic in displaying what drives you, what you've accomplished, and most importantly, who you are. Best of luck, and keep your chin up—you've got this!

a year ago

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