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Minimum GPA for UTSA admission—does anyone have the scoop?

Hey folks! So I'm in my junior year, and University of Texas at San Antonio seems like a great fit for me. But, I'm a little worried about grades. Does anyone know what GPA they're looking for at UTSA, or is it more about overall profile?

a year ago

Hello! I understand your concern about GPA requirements for admission to UTSA. The University of Texas at San Antonio generally considers a wide range of factors when evaluating applications, so while there isn't an official minimum GPA, a competitive GPA is advantageous. Admissions are selective, but they take context into account, such as the strength of your high school curriculum and any upward trends in your academic performance.

On average, admitted students to UTSA have GPAs that range from about 3.0 to 4.0. If you're below this range, compensating with strong test scores, solid letters of recommendation, or meaningful extracurricular involvement might still make you a competitive applicant. Moreover, UTSA offers the Assured Admission Program for Texas residents, where students with a certain class rank and SAT or ACT score are guaranteed admission, regardless of GPA.

Lastly, keep in mind that working hard to improve your grades during your junior year can significantly impact your academic profile. Colleges tend to appreciate improvement and the ability to excel in challenging courses. Best of luck in your academic endeavors!

a year ago

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