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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Seeking colleges with community engagement like Roger Williams University?

The community involvement aspect of Roger Williams University is really appealing to me. Any suggestions for other colleges with a strong sense of service and community engagement?

a year ago

It's fantastic to hear that you're interested in finding a college with a strong community engagement ethos. Colleges with service-learning components or social justice missions could be right up your alley. Look into colleges that have strong partnerships with local organizations or that offer service-learning courses.

For example, Tulane University in New Orleans is known for integrating public service into its curriculum as well as offering a wide range of community service options. Similarly, the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts has a strong emphasis on service and social justice.

Additionally, consider exploring schools that are designated as 'Civic Engagement Colleges,' which you can find through the Campus Compact organization—they focus specifically on public commitment to community service and civic involvement. Make sure to visit campuses if possible, talk to faculty about service opportunities, and reach out to the student community to understand the impact and reach of their programs. Find out if the college has a center for community engagement and what projects they're involved in. This will give you a better sense of how deeply rooted community service is within the institution.

a year ago

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