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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do some colleges release admissions decisions before the official decision date?

I've heard rumors that occasionally colleges might let you know their admission decision before the date they stated. Is this true? Has anyone had an experience where they got their admissions decision super early?

a year ago

Absolutely, it's not uncommon for some colleges to send out admissions decisions a bit earlier than the stated date. This sometimes happens due to different admissions offices wrapping up their decision-making processes quicker than anticipated. For instance, if they have a rolling admissions policy, decisions are often sent out as they're made, which might be well before the official date. Early decision or early action applicants might also receive their results ahead of the official timeline if the admission office works through those applications rapidly.

However, it's not something that can be expected or predicted, as it varies from year to year and from school to school. While it's possible, it's best to mentally prepare for the official date to avoid any undue stress. Keep an eye on your inbox, and good luck!

a year ago

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