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AP Exam Durations for Various Subjects

Hey everyone, with AP exams fast approaching, I've been trying to plan out my study schedule and breaks. Can anyone tell me how long each AP exam will take this year? Specifically, I'm enrolled in AP Gov, AP Computer Science A, AP English Language, AP Human Geography, AP Physics, and AP French. It would really help to know the exact duration for these exams, including potential extra sections or essays that might extend the test time. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's amazing that you're being proactive about planning your study schedule for your AP exams. Each AP exam varies in duration, but here's a basic rundown for the ones you're taking:

- AP Government and Politics: 3 hours with a multiple-choice section and four free-response questions.

- AP Computer Science A: 3 hours, consisting of multiple-choice questions and free-response problems.

- AP English Language and Composition: 3 hours and 15 minutes, including a one-hour multiple-choice section and a two-hour and 15-minute free-response section with three essay prompts.

- AP Human Geography: 2 hours and 15 minutes with multiple-choice questions and free-response questions.

- AP Physics: Depending on which Physics exam (1, 2, C: Mechanics, or C: Electricity and Magnetism), you're looking at around 3 hours, which includes multiple-choice and free-response sections.

- AP French Language and Culture: Approximately 3 hours and 3 minutes, including multiple-choice, writing, speaking, and listening components.

For each exam, there may be a short break between sections. Make sure to check the College Board's official website, or consult your AP teachers to confirm the exact structure and timing. Good luck with your studying!

a year ago

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