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Is transferring after freshman year a good idea?

Feeling a little bit stressed because the college that I accepted doesn't feel like the perfect fit. I'm considering a transfer after my freshman year. How do colleges view freshman year transfers and what should I be doing to prepare if I want to make this move?

a year ago

It's not uncommon to feel unsure about your college selection, and transferring can be a sensible option if you're certain it's not the right fit. Colleges understand that sometimes a student's goals or situations change.

To prepare for a potential transfer, focus on earning strong grades in your first year, as this demonstrates your ability to succeed at the college level. It's also wise to engage with your professors, as you may need recommendation letters, and campus activities, as that will speak well of your ability to get involved in the community at the school you're hoping to transfer to.

Ideally, start researching schools you might be interested in now, to understand their transfer admissions processes and deadlines. Make sure that the credits you're earning will transfer to your desired institution to avoid losing progress, or be prepared to maybe have to take extra courses to catch up, or delay your graduation by a semester or a year. Lastly, take advantage of the resources at your current school, such as academic advisors, who can help guide you through the transfer process.

All that being said, try to keep an open mind about your current school. There's only so much you can learn about a college from info sessions and short campus visits, and you may find that once you actually arrive, you carve out a great niche for yourself. You also may be initially overwhelmed by all the change, which can happen at any school, but find that as the year goes on you settle in. So, being proactive about the transfer process is a good idea in case you do end up taking that path, but don't make up your mind too early.

Best of luck with your decision!

a year ago

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