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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Clemson look for a specific GPA range in applicants?

Hey y'all, just curious if anybody knows what GPA Clemson University expects from its applicants? I participate in a ton of extracurriculars and I'm nervous that my GPA might not hit the mark. Any insights?

a year ago

Hello! It's great to hear that you are actively participating in extracurricular activities as they are an important aspect of your application. For Clemson University, while there isn't a strict 'cutoff' GPA, students aiming for competitive schools should generally strive for a GPA that's above the average high school GPA of admitted students. Historically, Clemson's admitted students often have high GPAs, typically above a 4.0 on a weighted scale due to AP or honors classes. However, if your GPA isn't quite in that range, don't be discouraged. It's essential to focus on the strength of your schedule and the rigor of your courses in addition to your GPA. Make sure to highlight your extracurricular involvement and any leadership roles as they can significantly strengthen your application. Good luck!

a year ago

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