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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Suggestions for universities comparable to Villanova's blend of business and liberal arts?

Villanova caught my attention with their strong business program alongside a wider liberal arts curriculum. I’m eager to explore colleges that can offer me a similar dual strength—basically, a solid business education with the balance of a liberal arts perspective. Thoughts?

a year ago

Absolutely, finding a university that offers a robust business program while not neglecting the liberal arts can indeed provide a well-rounded collegiate experience. One institution to consider is the University of Richmond. This university is known for a strong business program coupled with an equally strong liberal arts curriculum. Their Robins School of Business is highly regarded, and the liberal arts courses there are designed to complement your business studies.

Another university worth exploring is Boston College. Much like Villanova, BC maintains an excellent balance between their Carroll School of Management and the liberal arts programs. Furthermore, the school's core curriculum ensures that students receive exposure to a broad range of disciplines beyond their major. While the business program will be the core of your studies, you'll still engage deeply with the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, which enriches your educational experience.

I hope that this narrows down your search, and that you find the perfect fit that meets your academic aspirations!

a year ago

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