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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Other colleges with a strong sense of tradition and community like Notre Dame?

I've been drawn to Notre Dame for its strong sense of tradition and community, plus their emphasis on service. What other schools convey that same feeling of unity and focus on giving back to the community?

a year ago

You're on the right track looking for schools that resonate with your values! If the spirit at Notre Dame appeals to you, consider exploring Boston College. Like Notre Dame, Boston College has a strong sense of tradition and commitment to service. They're both rooted in Catholic Jesuit values, which really permeates campus life and emphasizes the importance of community and giving back.

Also, many students agree that Villanova University's community feels like a big family, and they have various service opportunities too. Duke also enjoys a tight-knit atmosphere and active student engagement in service projects, like the DukeEngage program that offers immersive service experiences. Take a look at these options, and you might find the same sense of community and tradition that attracts you to Notre Dame. Best of luck with your college search!

a year ago

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