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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there colleges similar to Holy Cross in terms of size and academics?

I'm on the hunt for colleges like College of the Holy Cross, which seems like a perfect match—small, liberal arts, with a great sense of community. My priority is strong support for undergrads and a solid liberal arts education. Could you recommend other similarly sized institutions with comparable academic rigor?

a year ago

I know just what you mean! If you're charmed by College of the Holy Cross, you'll want to explore schools like Bucknell University, Lafayette College, and Colgate University. These are all small liberal arts colleges that are known for their tight-knit communities and strong support for undergraduate students. They offer a well-rounded academic environment with plenty of faculty engagement, which is key for a solid liberal arts education. Just like Holy Cross, these institutions place a strong emphasis on undergraduate teaching and often have robust core curricula.

Bucknell, for example, has a student-faculty ratio of 9:1, which is fantastic for individualized attention. Each of these colleges also brings its own unique flavor to campus life and academics, so I’d recommend visiting if you can to get a feel for the right fit. Best of luck in finding a college that feels like home!

a year ago

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