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Is ACT Prep Available on Khan Academy?

Hello there! I've always found Khan Academy super useful for my studies, and I was wondering if they also offer ACT prep? I'm starting to study for the test and would love to use a platform I'm familiar with!

6 months ago

While Khan Academy is indeed a fantastic resource for many areas of study, at the current time they do not offer dedicated ACT prep. Their resources are currently more focused on the SAT and general academic subjects.

However, that's not to say you can't effectively use Khan Academy for ACT prep! The SAT and ACT have a significant amount of content overlap, particularly in the areas of math and grammar rules. Therefore, the practice activities and lessons made for the SAT could definitely prove useful in your ACT preparation.

Other useful Khan Academy resources could be the numerous subject-specific courses they offer, such as biology, chemistry, and American literature, which can provide academic support for the knowledge tested on the ACT.

However, remember to also use some ACT-specific prep material, as the tests do differ especially in their structure, timing, and the presence of a Science section in the ACT. Familiarizing yourself with the ACT's specific standards and question styles is a crucial part of a successful test prep strategy. There are numerous online sources for ACT-specific practice questions and tests, including the ACT's own website.

Good luck with your test prep! You're taking a great step in reaching out and figuring out how to study effectively!

6 months ago

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