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Anyone got the lowdown on how the AP Psychology exam is laid out?

So, I’m getting a little anxious about the upcoming AP Psych exam and was hoping someone could give me an overview of how the exam is set up. Like, are there more multiple-choice than free-response questions? What topics are heaviest? Any insight would be super helpful as I start to plan my study schedule.

a year ago

Absolutely, it's totally normal to feel a bit anxious before an exam, but having a good understanding of the structure can definitely help you prepare more efficiently! The AP Psychology exam consists of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. The multiple-choice has 100 questions and you'll have 70 minutes to complete them, which is the bulk of the test. It covers a wide range of topics from the course, but questions on research methods, biological bases of behavior, and social psychology tend to be more prominent.

The free-response section has two questions which you will have 50 minutes to answer. It often requires you to write in depth about specific scenarios or concepts. A good strategy for studying would be to practice with old AP exam questions available through the College Board and to focus on understanding key terms and concepts to apply them to novel situations. Remember, consistency is key in your preparation, and make sure to allocate some time to practice writing for the free-response questions. Good luck!

a year ago

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