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Release date for 2023 AP exam scores?

Does anyone know when the scores for the 2023 AP exams are going to be released? Trying to plan my summer and the anticipation is a bit stressful—especially since these scores might influence my college apps. Any tips on how to cope with the waiting period would also be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! The exact release date for AP exam scores typically isn't available until closer to the summer. That said, based on past years, the College Board generally releases scores in early July. You can expect the exact dates to be announced sometime in June. Make sure you have your College Board account login details handy so you can access your scores as soon as they are available.

As for coping with the wait, my tip is to focus on activities that you enjoy and that will take your mind off the anticipation. Maybe pick up a new hobby, spend time with friends, or dive into a personal project. Keep in mind that once you’ve done the exam, there's nothing more you can do to change the outcome, so try to relax and enjoy your summer!

a year ago

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