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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important is it to start preparing for AP exams early?

Hey everyone! So I'm starting to feel the pressure with APs creeping up and I'm not sure when I should start hitting the books. Is there a recommended time frame for when I should start studying for AP exams? I want to make sure I give myself enough time without burning out before the test dates!

a year ago

Absolutely, beginning your preparation early can have some really positive effects! Starting early allows you the time to deeply understand the content and not just cram information that won't stick long-term. Think about beginning your review a few months in advance—this could mean starting light review in January or February for a May exam. Look at the College Board's course descriptions to understand the framework of what will be tested and guide your studies accordingly. Also, be sure to take several practice tests to strategize timing and get familiar with the exam format. It's not just about starting early; it's also about studying smart! Break down the material into manageable chunks and set a schedule to cover each topic thoroughly. If you're juggling multiple AP classes, try to alternate your focus rather than burning out on one subject. And don't forget to prioritize rest and self-care to prevent burnout. Balance is key, and while starting early gives you a great advantage, be sure you're not sacrificing your well-being in the process. Good luck, and remember, steady and consistent preparation is often more effective than intense short-term cramming!

a year ago

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