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AP English Language Exam Length for 2023?

To anyone who’s already started preparing for the AP exams, does anyone know how long the AP Lang exam is supposed to be in 2023? Hoping to plan out my study breaks and pacing strategy during the test. All this exam talk is freaking me out a little, not gonna lie.

a year ago

Hey there! No need to stress; you're already showing great initiative by planning ahead. The AP English Language and Composition exam typically lasts for 3 hours and 15 minutes. This includes a 1-hour multiple-choice section with 45 questions, which accounts for 45% of your score. Then, you have a 2-hour and 15-minute free-response section, which has three essay prompts and constitutes 55% of your score. During the free-response section, it's generally a good idea to spend about 40 minutes on each essay, but this may vary depending on your personal writing speed and comfort with each question.

Remember to bring a watch (without an alarm) to help you manage your time since you can't use your phone or a smartwatch. Practice timing yourself with past exam questions, if you can find them, so that on exam day, you're well-prepared to divide your time effectively. Good luck with your studies!

a year ago

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