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SAT: 720 math
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Do AP exams come with a fee?

Okay, I know AP exams have a fee, but I'm curious about how much it typically is and if there's any financial assistance available. Does it vary by state or school district?

a year ago

Absolutely, AP exams do come with a fee. As of the last update, each AP exam costs $97 in the U.S., with a slightly higher cost for exams taken at schools outside of the U.S. and Canada. For AP Seminar and AP Research exams, the cost is $145 each. It's worth noting that these fees can vary slightly depending on additional school or district fees.

If you're concerned about the cost, there is financial assistance available. The College Board offers a $34 fee reduction per exam for eligible students, and additional state and district subsidies could further lower the cost. You'll need to talk to your AP coordinator at your school to find out if you qualify for these reductions and to apply for them. They'll be able to provide you with the most accurate and specific information regarding financial assistance available to you. Also, remember to check this early as there are deadlines you don't want to miss if you're seeking financial aid for these exams.

a year ago

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