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| 800 verbal


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Fetching my ACT Scores?

Hey there! I'm dealing with a bit of a situation here. So I took the ACT and now I'm all stressed trying to figure out how to get my scores. Is there an online portal or something to get them? Can someone guide me on how to do this?

7 months ago

Sure thing! ACT scores become available online 10 days after your test date. To access your scores, you'll need to log in to the ACT's online portal. When you initially registered for the ACT, you would have created an account on the ACT website. That's where you'll find your scores.

To access your ACT scores:

1. Go to the ACT website.

2. Click on the "Sign In" link at the top right corner of the page.

3. Enter your User ID (which is often your email) and your Password in the appropriate fields.

4. Once you've logged into your account, look for a link or button that says "Your Test Dates and Scores" or something similar.

5. Basically, all your past and upcoming test dates should be listed there, along with your scores for the ones you've taken.

Remember that viewing your scores online is free, but if you want a printed score report mailed to you, there might be a fee. Also, keep in mind these scores are what's available so far. ACT continues to release scores each week, so if you can't find your scores yet, they might be available later.

Hope you get the scores you're aiming for!

7 months ago

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